The City of New Orleans’ construction contractor, Hard Rock Construction, continues installing sidewalks along Decatur St. The overall project is approximately 53% completed and is anticipated to be completed by September 2017, weather permitting.
The scope of work includes:
- Removing and replacing sidewalks along the 800 – 1300 blocks of Decatur St.
- Installing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps.
- Installing access ramps for impacted storefronts / residents during construction.
- Temporary disruptions to access of storefronts for approximately one hour during concrete pours and brick installation.
- Temporary lane shift.
- No street parking during work hours.
800 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –Work is scheduled to tentatively begin the week of July 31, 2017.
- (river side) – No work is scheduled to occur.
900 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –Work is scheduled to tentatively begin the week of July 31, 2017.
- (river side) – No work is scheduled to occur.
1000 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –Work is scheduled to be substantially complete on Friday, July 28, weather permitting. Delays have occur on this block due to weather and unexpected underground utility work.
- (river side) – No work is scheduled to occur.
1100 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –All work is substantially complete.
- (river side) – Crews began demolition work on the sidewalk last week. This week, crews will continue demolition work, establishing sidewalk forms and pour a new concrete base. All work is anticipated to be completed by the week of August 7, 2017.
1200 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –Work is scheduled to be substantially complete this week, pending weather conditions.
- (river side) – Start date TBD.
1300 block of Decatur St.
- (lake side) –All work is substantially completed.
- (river side) –All work is substantially completed.
For questions or concerns contact RoadworkNOLA at 504.658.ROAD (7623) or ro******@no**.gov.