On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 a television production is scheduled to film on the 900 and 1000 Block of Toulouse Street from approximately 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
“No Parking” signs will be posted as follows:
5a Mon 3/27/17 to 6p Fri 4/7/17
Lake Half 900 Toulouse
5a Mon 4/3/17 to 6p Thurs 4/6/17
500 Block N Rampart St (river)
River Half 900 Toulouse
1000 Toulouse St
5a Tues 4/4/17 to 5 a Thurs 4/6/17
600 Block N Rampart St (both)
500 and 600 block Burgundy St
In addition, there will be Intermittent Traffic Control on Burgundy St. at St. Louis and Dauphine St. at St. Peter St. from approximately 9 AM to 11 PM. Traffic will be held for three to five minute intervals with the assistance and supervision of Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Locations Department at 504.262.8024 with any questions or concerns.